Beautifully crafted soft-cup spiral stitch '50s style bra that is supportive, comfortable, 100% period perfect, and definitely What Katie Did's signature product.
Unlike modern bras, which push the breasts inwards and upwards, the Maitresse Bullet Bra gently coaxes your breasts into the perfect 1950s conical shape. It's actually very healthy to wear non-wired, soft cup bras on a day-to-day basis, and our bullet bras are deemed to be so supportive that one customer even wears hers to the gym in lieu of a sports bra. We don't recommend everyone does the same, of course!
What Katie Did were the first company in the UK to revive the bullet bra over a decade ago, adapting an original 1950s pattern and adding several more cup sizes to suit the modern figure. We seem to have 'inspired' several other companies to produce their own since then, both here and in the US. We firmly believe that due to our strict quality control process and the consummate skill of our seamstresses (it can take up two years to perfect the intricate spiral stitching required for each bra), our original version is still the best.